portrait sessions

Hi there!

My name is Dawn Cooper and I am a Senior & Family Portrait  Photographer based in Northern California.  Here is where you can catch my most recent work and little musings. Thank you so much for stopping by!



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I have been in BC, Canada for the past couple weeks with my kids. Last week all my brothers were able to come over to my parents for dinner with their families and it was such a blast!! We had kind of an impromptu family portrait taken…we had a couple hours to determine a color […]

I posted a sneak peak of this adorable family a few weeks ago and am finally able to blog a few more images from their shoot! The session was technically for their sweet little man who was turning ONE..but we wanted a few family pictures too. These kids were soo sweet! And so stinking cute! […]

In celebration of baby’s first birthday, Mom decided to get some family pictures! This family was so sweet and fun and these two little boys had abundant energy (which I’m used to with the little men in my life!)..so we picked a fun location for them to run and play and catch some pictures along […]

Just had a few minutes tonight to look over and pick a few favorites of tonight’s session with this beautiful family!! Can’t wait to spend more time on them..they are so adorable! Here’s your sneak peak guys! 🙂  

Well shoot. I missed week 25 last week…but I gotta say I’m impressed with myself for sticking with it this far! 🙂  Yesterday, we were able to go to the beach together as a family. Jared wanted to get the kids more comfortable in the water for eventually learning to surf, and it was pretty […]






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